Normandie Juin 44 t.2 Utah Beach

€14.90 Unavailable

The date of June 6, 1944 is approaching. In Europe, a young German and a young American write to their mother, in the country. Each in his own way is preparing for tragic events. Jürgen, who lives in a Norman farmhouse, feels that the significant increase in reconnaissance flights and bombings heralds the imminence of a landing. The famous landing in the Pas-de-Calais! Lewis, meanwhile, shares the everyday life of an English family. He dreads his parachute and future battles against an enemy he believes he knows, since his family is from Germany. In other times, in other places, Jürgen and Lewis would surely have been friends. But on June 6, 1944, the color of a uniform separates them.

Number of pages
Publication date
28,6 x 21,6 x 1,2 cm
Books, Comics
Normandie Juin 44 t.2 Utah Beach
Normandie Juin 44 t.2 Utah Beach

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