Saint-Louis Des Invalides


Created by Louis XIV, sheltering the tomb of Napoleon, used without stopping by the Republic, seat of the diocese to the Armies, the cathedral Saint-Louis des Invalides and its Dome is the living symbol of the continuity of the history of France. Its classic architecture, signed Hardouin-Mansart, the secular prestige of his court of honor, witness the greatest events of national unity, the trophies and funerary monuments that inhabit the place, the number of civil and religious ceremonies that there unfold throughout the year, make the "Church of the Soldiers" a living treasure of French heritage in the heart of Paris. Made with the Army Museum, the building's manager, and the Diocese of the Armed Forces, this book offers the first global synthesis of the building, its exhaustive description, and the life that took place there, until most recent events. The best specialist authors have been mobilized, and an unprecedented photographic report


Format: Hardcover
Weight: 3740 g

Number of pages
Publication date
27 x 36 cm
Place des victoires
Books, Adult bookshop, Guides
Saint-Louis Des Invalides
Saint-Louis Des Invalides