Duelliste T1


A mercenary and samurai in one, driven as much by money as by a sense of honor, Antoine Velayne is one of the finest swordsmen in the Paris of Louis XIV. Accompanied by Masao, his spiritual father from faraway Japan, they hire out their services to clients wealthy enough to pay for swordsmen willing to die in duels for them. But one day, a dark case involving a revolutionary alchemical bomb turns their daily lives upside down, taking them from the Court of Miracles to that of the big boys! Because a nation's military might costs far more in blood than a duel of honor...


Author: Emmanuel Herzet, Alessio Coppola
Publisher: Lombard
Year of publication: 2012
Dimensions : 24,0 cm × 31,0 cm × 1,2 cm
Number of pages : 48

Books, Comics
Duelliste T1
Duelliste T1